2024 thE WERTHy Foundation 3-Club


We are 6 days out to our annual 3-club Tournament. We are looking forward to seeing everyone for one our our favorite events.

2024 thE WERTHy Foundation Golf Outing

Welcome to the 2024 thE WERTHy Foundation Golf Outing at Fox Lake Country Club. Continental breakfast, lunch as well as raffles, silent auction and on-course games. Check-in between 7:45-8:45AM with a 9:00AM shotgun start. Numerous sponsorship levels can be found on the bidpal site (https://one.bidpal.net/werthygolf24). We hope to see many familar faces again this year

Amazon Prime Day supports thE WERTHy Foundation!

Amazon’s Prime Day is almost here. Deals start July 16, 3pm ET and run
through July 17. Prime Day is one of the biggest shopping events of the


AmazonSmile lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on Amazon.com. The difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to thE WERTHy Foundation when you select it to be your charitable organization!

Werthy Foundation Golf Outing Highlights!

Thanks to the 92 golfers, 15 volunteers, all of our sponsors, the staff at Chalet Hills Golf Club and the great weather this year’s outing was a huge success. Thanks again for helping make a difference. Here’s just a sample of the day…

Running for Scott 5K Run / Walk

The Trike Project is an organization created to help children with special needs obtain adapted tricycles for therapeutic and recreational use.

Join us all in supporting The Trike Project at the annual ‘Running for Scott 5K Walk/Run‘ on May 20th, 2018 at Laremont School, Grayslake. No need for you to be in top running shape, you can still walk! There is also a Mile Walk and a Kids Race. Many other options to help the cause. Go check out The Trike Project site for more details and registration info!

The Trike Project is dedicated to raising funds to assist families that wish to purchase adapted tricycles. See their story…

WERTHy Foundation Golf Outing

Save the date!!!! The next fundraiser will be a golf outing on Friday, August 8th at Chalet Golf Club in Cary, IL. More details being worked out but wanted to get the word out.

The basics are a shotgun start around 9:30 or 10am with a casual cookout at the golf course to follow.

Stay tuned for more details but spread the word and get your foursomes formed.